Carson Dunlop Weldon and Associates Ltd. (CDW Engineering) can assist building owners in assessing not only the condition of their buildings, but also their functionality and accessibility.


Barrier-free design requirements were first included in the Ontario Building Code in the 1970s. Since then, the standards for barrier-free design have advanced to minimize the barriers that Ontarians with varying abilities experience.

CDW Engineering’s barrier-free compliance assessments help building owners or users understand their level of compliance with Section 3.8, Barrier-Free Design, and Compliance Alternatives Section 11.5 of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) 2012. The components assessed include:

  • Access to parking areas
  • Exterior walkways
  • Barrier-free entrances
  • Barrier-free paths of travel
  • Ramps
  • Doors and doorways
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Designated wheelchair seating and adaptable seating
  • Tactile attention indicators
  • Signage
  • Controls
  • Wall-mounted telephones
  • Drinking fountains
  • Barrier-free washrooms
  • Swimming pool and spa facilities


OBC requirements are not retroactive to existing buildings; however, these requirements apply to all newly constructed buildings, buildings that undergo a change of use, or buildings that are extensively renovated. CDW Engineering can provide an assessment of the barrier-free features of existing buildings and identify areas that would not be in compliance should the building be renovated or undergo a change of use. This can identify features and components that may require barrier-free improvements prior to the beginning of the project, to minimize the potential for unforeseen costs during the design and renovation.

To download a sample Barrier Free Access Review report, click here.