Horizon was built by inspectors, for inspectors. We make it the best because we use it every day in our inspection business. You benefit from our decades of report writing evolution. Why reinvent the wheel?

Fast, easy report writing and great-looking reports are just the beginning. Operate your whole business with Horizon. From the first phone call through scheduling the inspection, getting the contract signed, performing the inspection and writing the report, to keeping track of your sales and receivables and having instant access to reports and work orders anywhere, Horizon simplifies your life, saving you time and money. And it lives in the cloud. Make your company run like ours! Why settle for anything less?

It’s integrated. Horizon uses Carson Dunlop’s knowledgebase, incorporating our experience in home inspection since 1978. Horizon includes links to reference material for homeowners from its education program, and color images from the Illustrated Home. Horizon is uniquely integrated.

It’s flexible. Write reports online or offline, in the field or in the office. Use a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, iPad or Android device, or even a smartphone.

It’s customizable. Have it your way! We have our preferences, but we don’t insist on them.

It’s cost effective. Horizon is the most advanced reporting software, but not the most expensive. We can get you up and running for very little money, and the cost of all the Horizon benefits is a negligible percentage of your inspection fee. Horizon represents outstanding value.

HORIZON – spend less time writing reports and more time on the things you deserve!